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Recycling likely to be trashed

Recycling likely to be trashed

    By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s monthly recycling program is likely to come to a halt in August. The city’s Recycling Commission is saying the drop-off program held on the…

Teachers hold ‘walk-in’ to protest state funding of school districts

Teachers hold ‘walk-in’ to protest state funding of school districts

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck Public School teachers had their own version of a “walk-out” on Wednesday morning. For the past year students across the country have staged peaceful “walk-outs”…

City lot sales raise questions

City lot sales raise questions

By Charles Sercombe As everyone in Hamtramck knows, parking is a premium. But one loft owner in the southend managed to purchase a parking lot believed to have once been…

Questionable towing service arises again

Questionable towing service arises again

  By Charles Sercombe Just as the legally questionable practice of one tow service company has been resolved, another one popped up. Jay Searcy, a pastor with Grace Baptist Church…

Councilmember falls behind on bills – again

Councilmember falls behind on bills – again

By Charles Sercombe City Councilmember Saad Almasmari is attempting to climb up the political ladder and become state representative in this election year. And in order to achieve that goal…

DTE crews working on restoring power

By Charles Sercombe For those in Hamtramck still without power due to Friday’s high winds, hang on just a little while more. Acting City Manager Kathy Angerer told The Review…

Towing company under fire

Towing company under fire

Update 3: Well, well, well, someone finally stepped up to the challenge to remove Breakthrough Towing Service signs at CVS. And that someone is City Councilmember Ian Perrotta, who also…

Election season is off and running for Hamtramck candidates

Election season is off and running for Hamtramck candidates

  By Charles Sercombe As expected the open races for state representative and state senator for Hamtramck is crowded. In the 4th District State Representative race, in which incumbent Rose…

CM charter proposal gets ballot OK

By Charles Sercombe It will now be up to voters to OK the requirements to be hired as a Hamtramck city manager. State officials approved the language of the proposed…

Governor offers helping hand to boost city’s development

Governor offers helping hand to boost city’s development

    By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck is getting a helping hand from the state. Gov. Rick Snyder came to town last Friday with Lt. Gov. Brian Calley to announce that…