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Hamtramck Music Festival donation hits the right note with school district

Hamtramck Music Festival donation hits the right note with school district

    By Alan Madlane Most of us like music. Some like to give the gift of music. And then there are those who like to give the gift of…

Deadline looms for Holbrook project, and it doesn’t look good

Deadline looms for Holbrook project, and it doesn’t look good

  By Charles Sercombe The pressure is on to get the job done on Holbrook. The good news is that union workers and contractors have settled their labor dispute, or…

Holbrook repaving project is back on track after three-week dispute

Holbrook repaving project is back on track after three-week dispute

    By Charles Sercombe The worst case scenario was that the Holbrook repaving project would be on hold until next spring. As The Review went to press Thursday, a…

Lawsuit filed against tow company

Lawsuit filed against tow company

  By Charles Sercombe A tow truck company that got chased out of Hamtramck is now facing a class action lawsuit. Attorneys with the Truth2Power Civil Justice Fund recently filed…

Court offers a break on traffic tickets

Court offers a break on traffic tickets

    By Alan Madlane Traffic ticket scofflaws, here’s your chance to make it right with the world. Or at least, the Hamtramck part of the world. Beginning Monday, Oct.…

City manager gets three-year contract

City manager gets three-year contract

    By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s new city manager now has a contract. At last week’s city council meeting, Kathy Angerer was awarded a three-year employment contract with a yearly…

Expanded alley repair program gets the green light

Expanded alley repair program gets the green light

By Charles Sercombe The city’s alley repaving project is getting an extra boost. City officials found some extra money from savings in the budget and also dipped into the city’s…

City settles ex-department head lawsuit

City settles ex-department head lawsuit

  By Charles Sercombe The city has settled a four-year lawsuit filed by a former director of public services. The final part of a two-part settlement was reached several weeks…

Hamtramck now has a new city manager

Hamtramck now has a new city manager

  By Charles Sercombe City officials gave it one more shot to vote on whether to hire a city manager last Friday evening. City Councilmember Fadel Al-Marsoumi called for a…

Former Hamtramck police officer accused of assaulting arrestees

By Charles Sercombe A former Hamtramck police officer is charged with multiple criminal counts of assaulting two people he arrested in 2014. The Department of Justice recently indicted Ryan McInerney,…