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A new year and a new start in city council and school board

By Charles Sercombe It’s a new year and there are some changes in city government and the Hamtramck Public School Board. Nothing big, though. For the city council, City Manager…

Review celebrates its 10th anniversary

Review celebrates its 10th anniversary

By Charles Sercombe Thank you, Hamtramck. This year marks our 10th anniversary serving this community. It’s been a fun ride, and we hope to stick around for at least another…

What does 2019 have in store? Let’s take a look

What does 2019 have in store? Let’s take a look

  By Charles Sercombe Once again, we dusted off our crystal ball and peered into what the future holds for Hamtramck. Well, hello 2019, you look awfully familiar to last…

New Year starts with a familiar look at city council

New Year starts with a familiar look at city council

By Charles Sercombe It may be a new year but there is one story that keeps repeating here in Hamtramck – almost like the movie “Groundhog Day.” A few years…

A final wrap-up of our ‘Year in Review’ …

A final wrap-up of our ‘Year in Review’ …

By Charles Sercombe Welcome back to week two of our annual “Year in Review.” This week we look back at the last six months of 2018. Next week, it’s back…

Part one of our annual ‘Year in Review’ …

Part one of our annual ‘Year in Review’ …

  By Charles Sercombe Now that 2018 is about to take a bow, it’s time to look at what made the news. As usual, there was plenty to talk about.…

Keyworth will get a new turf

Keyworth will get a new turf

  By Charles Sercombe Christmas came early this week for the public school district and the city. On a recent Wednesday afternoon (Dec. 19), it was announced that the Ralph…

Few details being released in shooting death

Few details being released in shooting death

  Update: (Dec. 29, 6 p.m.) Since our last update four hours ago, the Hamtramck Police Department has issued this press release:   homicide press release Update: (Dec. 29, noon)…

‘Newsmaker of the Year’ dedicated his life’s work to the community

‘Newsmaker of the Year’ dedicated his life’s work to the community

    By Charles Sercombe As usual, picking just one event or person who made a huge impact on Hamtramck for the past year is no easy choice. During 2018…

Holbrook construction zone expected to be open this week

Holbrook construction zone expected to be open this week

Update: Holbrook is now open for traffic. By Charles Sercombe By the time you read this, Holbrook should be re-opened for traffic. For the past several months, Holbrook from Jos.…