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‘Newsmaker of the Year’ is not what you think it would be

‘Newsmaker of the Year’ is not what you think it would be

  By Charles Sercombe Once again, another page has turned on the calendar, and we all recently kissed the year 2020 good-bye. Or, as some may say: Good riddance. And…

No change for HPS students

No change for HPS students

    By Charles Sercombe Although the coronavirus pandemic is still spreading, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is allowing schools to re-open in March for in-person teaching. The governor’s directive, however, is…

No, the Post Office is not closing

No, the Post Office is not closing

  By Charles Sercombe For a moment this past week, some on social media were freaking out about the Hamtramck Post Office branch. It started when mailboxes were removed, an…

City seeks public input on parks

  By Charles Sercombe The city’s next five-year parks and recreation plan is in the hands of the public. The city is seeking public input on a proposed five-year Master…

Part two of our Year in Review

Part two of our Year in Review

    By Charles Sercombe Just as we promised, we’re back this week with Part Two of our Year in Review. As usual, Hamtramck may be a small town, but…

Take a look back at the year 2020 and the news we experienced

Take a look back at the year 2020 and the news we experienced

  By Charles Sercombe Most of us can’t wait to kick the year 2020 in the rear and welcome in a new year. But while 2020 presented a number of…

A Christmas message for The Review Publisher …

A Christmas message for The Review Publisher …

  By John Ulaj Publisher I want to once again thank all of our readers, and all the great people of Hamtramck, for making The Hamtramck Review your go-to source…

COVID claims a hero

COVID claims a hero

  By Charles Sercombe For sure, John “Hippo” Hypnarowicz was a big, barrel-chested guy. Many folks would also point out that his heart was even bigger. That spirit of generosity…

Future pot stores are snuffed out

Future pot stores are snuffed out

  By Charles Sercombe In a close vote, city council shut the door on allowing any more marijuana retail outlets to open in Hamtramck. At least, the vote put a…

Coming soon to Hamtramck: A bike path to downtown and beyond

Coming soon to Hamtramck: A bike path to downtown and beyond

  By Charles Sercombe That new bike lane you see on Jos. Campau between Carpenter and 6 Mile will, indeed, extend into Hamtramck. It’s just a matter of how it…