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The Year in Review: A look back at the last six months of 2022

The Year in Review: A look back at the last six months of 2022

  By Charles Sercombe This week we highlight the news happenings from July through December. JULY A familiar face was appointed as interim city manager. In a special city council…

Time to take a break and look back: Year in Review – Part One

Time to take a break and look back: Year in Review – Part One

  By Charles Sercombe Here it is, the end of 2022. It was a year in which we were still going through the covid pandemic, although that seems to be…

Breaking news … Man dies from self-inflicted shooting

By Charles Sercombe A 66-year-old man accidently shot himself in the leg and died this morning (Dec. 16), say Hamtramck police. The police department issued a press release today that…

Home animal slaughtering is set for reconsideration

By Charles Sercombe It looks like the city council is poised to allow home animal slaughtering for religious observances. A proposed amendment to the city’s animal ordinance will be considered…

Cosmos basketball team is off to a winning season

Cosmos basketball team is off to a winning season

By Charles Sercombe If Monday’s opening game for the Hamtramck High School boys basketball team is any indication, it’s going to be a rollicking – and winning — season. The…

Ban continues on animal slaughter, for now

Ban continues on animal slaughter, for now

  By Charles Sercombe The question over whether to allow animal slaughtering at homes and in backyards, in observance of a religious belief, is not entirely over. Recently, in a…

Former city manager moves on up in state government

Former city manager moves on up in state government

By Charles Sercombe Former Hamtramck City Manager Kathy Angerer keeps moving on to bigger and better things. Angerer resigned as city manager last July, after serving in that position for…

FIFA soccer match spurs ongoing debate on social media over gay rights

FIFA soccer match spurs ongoing debate on social media over gay rights

  By Charles Sercombe The debate over gay rights continues in Hamtramck. The issue first arose last July with the city’s new all-Muslim mayor and city council. A controversy arose…

Animal sacrifice issue once again shows a divided city council

Animal sacrifice issue once again shows a divided city council

  By Charles Sercombe As it stands now, slaughtering an animal at home is still banned in Hamtramck. In a 3-2 decision, the city council agreed to update the city’s…

Council vacancy is filled

Council vacancy is filled

  By Charles Sercombe The resignation of Councilmember Adam Albarmaki became official at last Tuesday’s city council meeting. According to the city charter, his replacement is the runner up from…