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Anyone game for fixing up the grandstands?

By Ian Perrotta Wouldn’t it be great if the city had an outdoor venue that could host concerts, speeches and other community events? Well, it turns out it already does.…

Anyone game for fixing up the grandstands?

By Ian Perrotta Wouldn’t it be great if the city had an outdoor venue that could host concerts, speeches and other community events? Well, it turns out it already does.…

New speed limit law turns out to be a trap for cities

New speed limit law turns out to be a trap for cities

By Ian Perrotta It appears that Public Act 85 of 2006 doesn’t necessarily require municipalities to conduct traffic studies to determine if speed limits are set at their proper levels.…

After months of waiting, DEQ finally hears from Rec. Dept.

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s Recreation Department finally did what it should have done last year: talk to the state Department of Environmental Quality. The department and the contractor hired to…

City faces laying off police, fire

By Charles Sercombe The clock is ticking down for city officials to adopt a budget. City officials have until June 2 to get a balanced budget approved or the city…

Parents will pay up for bad behavior

By Charles Sercombe Heads up parents, you better keep a close watch on your kids or be prepared to pay up. Hamtramck has adopted a “parental responsibility” law that many…

Time to get ready for the big ‘sweep’

Time to get ready for the big ‘sweep’

By Ian Perrotta It’s time to dust off that, uh, dust. Spring is in high gear and community clean-ups are in the air. Starting tomorrow (Saturday May 8) there will…

Cost of splash pad raises questions

By Charles Sercombe Compared to other communities, Hamtramck taxpayers paid twice as much per square foot for its splash pad in Pulaski Park. Last fall, the Hamtramck Recreation Department spent…

Former city financial manager takes on cuts in Warren

By Charles Sercombe Four days into his new job, former Hamtramck Emergency Financial Manager Lou Schimmel is already making enemies in the City of Warren. According to a recent report…

Change in traffic law is no guarantee in beating tickets

By Ian Perrotta A little-known law appears to be bringing up some big questions for citizens and government officials alike. Last week, it was reported that Hamtramck was one of…