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Hamtramck strikes back at Detroit

By Charles Sercombe You might say it’s a David versus Goliath showdown. In this case David is the City of Hamtramck and Goliath is Detroit. Hamtramck city officials are withholding…

Teens charged with robbing prostitute

By Charles Sercombe Police say three teens hired a prostitute in Hamtramck and after being sexually pleasured, they allegedly pulled out a gun and robbed her. Detective Michael Szymanski said…

Suspects attempt to run over police officer

By Charles Sercombe A Hamtramck officer’s check on three suspicious looking men resulted in a life-threatening moment. Last Friday (July 18), an officer was patrolling near the city parking lot…

Local candidates line up for state and county offices

Local candidates line up for state and county offices

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck is well represented in the upcoming Primary Election. Several local candidates are vying for elected office. And as usual, the Aug. 3 Primary Election will determine…

City Council remains firm against new tax

By Charles Sercombe City Manager Bill Cooper gave it one more try to convince the City Council to raise taxes. Or in the latest case, allow voters to decide whether…

The taxing problem of foreclosures

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s home foreclosure rate is bad, but it’s not the worst in Wayne County. According to recent SEMCOG statistics, which were recently published in the Detroit News,…

Only 4 percent of city’s kids enrolled in summer program

Only 4 percent of city’s kids enrolled in summer program

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck Recreation Director Craig Daniels is happy these days. Happy, because as of two weeks ago, 185 kids were signed up for the recreation’s summer park program.…

Talk of receivership heats up

By Charles Sercombe By next January or February, city employees could face payless paydays. Eventually, there could be a merger with another city for police and fire services. By this…

Woman escapes being kidnapped and worse

By Charles Sercombe A 20-year-old Hamtramck woman barely escaped what would likely have been a rape and murder last Sunday. According to police and news reports, the woman, who would…

Fourth of July classic: Barbecue and getting to know your neighbors

Fourth of July classic: Barbecue and getting to know your neighbors

By Ian Perrotta It was nothing but fun and sun at last Saturday’s (July 3) Central Block Club Barbecue. Despite a temporary hiatus, the block club’s first foray back into…