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Town Hall meeting lays it on the table, but for some the writing is on the wall

Town Hall meeting lays it on the table, but for some the writing is on the wall

By Ian Perrotta By now you’ve probably seen it on TV or heard about it from someone else, but that doesn’t mean last Thursday’s (Jan. 6) Town Hall meeting is…

What they had to say at the Town Hall meeting

By Ian Perrotta “I’m not willing to pay any more taxes.” – Former City Councilmember Dr. Abdul Algazali, as he denounced the council and accused them of not making necessary…

For now, state loan is rejected

By Charles Sercombe It looks like Hamtramck will head straight into being broke by March. Four City Councilmembers formed a majority vote to reject applying for a $2.5 million state…

What’s ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ this year? Read on

What’s ‘IN’ and ‘OUT’ this year? Read on

By Charles Sercombe We don’t know about you, but for many folks the year 2010 just flat out sucked. The economy was still in the crapper, more people lost their…

Town hall meeting to dispel rumors

Money, it’s a gas Grab that cash with both hands And make a stash Pink Floyd, “Money” By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck officials took the city’s financial woes to the people…

Should Hamtramck even exist? A question for some

By Charles Sercombe What’s one question that rattles Mayor Karen Majewski these days? Try this one: “Why should Hamtramck exist?” That’s the question she’s been asked by the editorial boards…

Sidewalk construction mostly finished . . . for now

Sidewalk construction mostly finished . . . for now

By Ian Perrotta Lately, walking down the city’s streets has been a little safer. After the final installation of new traffic lights on Caniff was delayed for months due to…

And now, part two of our Year in Review … Oh what a year it was

And now, part two of our Year in Review  … Oh what a year it was

By Ian Perrotta The year 2010 was packed with news, so let’s get right to it. Here is the second and final part of the Year in Review. JULY In…

Time to take a stroll back through the year

Time to take a stroll back through the year

By Charles Sercombe It’s hard to believe that the year 2010 will soon be history. And what a year it was for Hamtramck. Just about every month was jam-packed with…

For parody polka rockers the Polish Muslims, it’s a homecoming

For parody polka rockers the Polish Muslims, it’s a homecoming

By Alan R. Madeleine Perhaps you remember the first time you ever heard of Hamtramck’s Polish Muslims. Maybe it wasn’t that long ago, or maybe it was a very long…