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City Hall Insider …

City Hall Insider …

By Charles Sercombe The City Council met on April 12, and all but Councilmember Kazi Miah were in attendance. The meeting ran for two hours, followed by a closed session.…

Gas explosion cause is still a mystery

Gas explosion cause is still a mystery

By Charles Sercombe Fire investigators are still searching for an answer to a major gas explosion at a Jos. Campau business two weeks ago. Fire Chief Steve Paruk said the…

Gas explosion rips apart JC building, but cause is unknown

Gas explosion rips apart JC building, but cause is unknown

By Charles Sercombe The buzz around town: Are we all going to blow up or what? The short answer: No, we’re not. Just because there’s been two building explosions in…

Former School Board president cited for outburst

By Charles Sercombe Public School Boardmember Titus Walters will be the first to tell you he has a temper and can be “passionate” about his support of the schools. And…

Like it or not, merging services is a must

By Charles Sercombe One of Gov. Snyder’s directives to communities across the state is to find ways to consolidate, and even merge, services. Over a month ago, the Hamtramck City…

Census number on housing stock raises questions

Census number on housing stock raises questions

By Charles Sercombe Let’s get this out right up front. The 2010 Census numbers are still raw to city officials, and they have not had enough time to digest what…

Want to run for city council? Now’s the time

Want to run for city council? Now’s the time

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s election season is officially up and running. Nominating petitions for three City Council seats are now available at the City Clerk’s Office. The council race is…

State loan now looking iffy at best

State loan now looking iffy at best

By Charles Sercombe Will Hamtramck still get a $2.5 million state emergency loan? That’s a question floating around the city now that Hamtramck and Detroit worked out a deal on…

Back in the money, for a moment

Back in the money, for a moment

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s financial picture just improved a whole lot. City officials signed off on an agreement with Detroit to resolve a dispute over how much tax revenue should…

Census campaign paid off

Census campaign paid off

By Charles Sercombe While other neighboring communities hemorrhaged people in the last 10 years, Hamtramck’s population remained fairly stable. According to the Census Bureau, Hamtramck’s 2010 population head count revealed…