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City Hall won’t be scaling down to a four-day work week

By Charles Sercombe As communities across the state scramble to figure out ways to cut costs, more and more are turning to offering services four days a week instead of…

Sometimes a tree is not more lovely than a poem

Sometimes a tree is not more lovely than a poem

(With all apologies to the poet Joyce Kilmer.) By Charles Sercombe At first glance, it seems counter-intuitive. Just plain wrong. Even a big, husky guy like Darren Grow, the city’s…

Flooding lawsuit will soak taxpayers

Flooding lawsuit will soak taxpayers

By Charles Sercombe There’s good news and bad news for the residents who sued the city because their basements flooded. First the good news. The City Council agreed to settle…

School employees make a bid to save their jobs

By Alan R. Madeleine Last week at a special School Board Meeting, Gerald Butler, the attorney for the school district, laid it out. It wasn’t the prettiest picture, but it‘s…

Neighborhood barbecue bridges the ethnic and cultural gap

Neighborhood barbecue bridges the ethnic and cultural gap

By Charles Sercombe As everyone knows, Hamtramck is a melting pot of cultures. But it’s also true that the varying ethnic groups in the city rarely melt together, so to…

Sewer deal raises stink over bidding

By Charles Sercombe By a slim majority, the City Council OK’d a deal to hire an engineering company to apply for a $1 million state grant to figure out how…

City’s online ‘dashboard’ will show where the money goes

By Charles Sercombe If things go according to plan, those curious about how the city spends its budget can view it online as of today (Friday, Sept. 23). Gov. Rick…

Federal grant will help clear blight, create new housing

Federal grant will help clear blight, create new housing

By Charles Sercombe In the next few months, there’s going to be a big change underway in Hamtramck. We’re talking major. Especially for the city’s blighted southend. Thanks to a…

For now, police chief’s job is open

By Charles Sercombe And the new police chief is … ah, no one. At Tuesday’s City Council meeting, a proposed appointment of Lt. Ron Mathias to become Hamtramck’s next police…

City Hall Insider …

City Hall Insider …

What is our City Council up to these days? We have the scoop and the highlights – as well as the lowlights – of the latest council meeting. By Charles…