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Will past haunt new city manager?

Will past haunt new city manager?

By Charles Sercombe Newly-appointed Acting City Manager Kyle Tertzag comes with some baggage. However, in the arena of politics, that’s not unusual. Tertzag was handed an employment contract this week…

City council wants mural repaired or removed

City council wants mural repaired or removed

By Charles Sercombe It’s crunch time for Hamtramck’s most controversial public mural. At Tuesday’s city council meeting, Economic & Community Development Director Jason Friedmann was given his marching orders: Either…

Labor Day Festival is another success

Labor Day Festival is another success

By Charles Sercombe Perhaps the hippie dude summed it up best about this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival: “Hamtramck is the best city in Detroit.” We couldn’t agree more, and…

New budget includes a tax increase

By Charles Sercombe City officials agreed on a financial plan to fix the city’s budget for the next three years. But the budget comes with a price for property owners.…

Murder case remains unsolved

By Charles Sercombe There will be no charges filed against four suspects in the stabbing death of Joseph King. King was killed last October after encountering the suspects late at…

Get ready to have some fun

Get ready to have some fun

By Alan Madeleine Hamtramck’s Labor Day Festival lives on. This year, maybe more than ever, it’s truly a grass-roots event. And once again, it’s a couple of locals who have…

Acting city manager keeps his word and resigns

Acting city manager keeps his word and resigns

By Charles Sercombe As he promised, Acting City Manager Nevrus Nazarko stepped down from his position as acting city manager. He had told the city council he was resigning immediately…

New acting city manager says there is no conflict of interest

New acting city manager says there is no conflict of interest

By Charles Sercombe Newly-appointed Acting City Manager Kyle Tertzaj insisted that someone other than the city attorney negotiate employment terms with him. He told the city council at Tuesday’s meeting…

Muslim community celebrates Eid with family festival

Muslim community celebrates Eid with family festival

By Ian Perrotta You may have noticed more daytime activity coming from your Muslim neighbors in the last week. That’s because last Sunday (Aug. 19) marked the end of the…

Review of bills leads to investigation

By Charles Sercombe There were no bombshells revealed in Tuesday’s city council discussion on why $56,835 in contractors’ invoices could not be properly documented. But that doesn’t mean the investigation…