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For some, retirement pays well

For some, retirement pays well

  By Charles Sercombe The cost of public safety isn’t the only big ticket item in the city’s operating budget. The cost of providing police and fire services tallies up…

State gives city a deadline to get labor concessions

State gives city a deadline to get labor concessions

  By Charles Sercombe If Hamtramck can’t get major contract concessions from its employees in the next 60 days, State Treasurer Andy Dillon told city officials the state will step…

Officials halt payments to contractors

By Charles Sercombe For the past week, city officials have been scrambling to find ways to balance the city’s budget. In an attempt to prevent payless paydays for city employees,…

School superintendent says now is not the time to retire

School superintendent says now is not the time to retire

  By Charles Sercombe On second thought, Hamtramck Public Schools Superintendent Tom Niczay says retirement isn’t in the picture for him. At Wednesday’s monthly School Board meeting, Niczay requested to…

Housing values still on the decline, according to county study

Housing values still on the decline, according to county study

    By Charles Sercombe According to the Wayne County Assessor’s Office, Hamtramck house values dropped by 10.5 percent. But that doesn’t necessarily mean your property tax bill will also…

Firefighters demand return of ambulances

Firefighters demand return of ambulances

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck firefighters are firing back at city officials over who should provide ambulance service. Acting City Manager Kyle Tertzag recently took the department’s two ambulances out…

FBI investigation turns up speculation of where it’s heading

By Charles Sercombe For the past week, the buzz around city hall has been about the FBI investigation into city contractor invoices. Last Friday, it was reported by two television…

County executive is upbeat about economic development

County executive is upbeat about economic development

  By Charles Sercombe Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano echoed what many communities in the state – including Hamtramck – are complaining about. The decrease in property tax collection. Since…

City’s ambulance service on the stretcher

City’s ambulance service on the stretcher

    By Charles Sercombe Since the 1980s, the Hamtramck Fire Department has been the city’s main ambulance service. That tradition may become a thing of the past. Earlier in…

Firefighters on the front line of city finances

By Charles Sercombe Now that state officials have rejected the city’s budget deficit elimination plan and a request for a $3 million loan, what’s the next step? Good question. According…