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Councilmember’s attendance raises concerns over health

Councilmember’s attendance raises concerns over health

By Charles Sercombe For those who have been keeping tabs, City Councilmember Titus Walters has missed a lot of meetings in recent months. Since the beginning of his term in…

New DPW director explains water bill confusion

New DPW director explains water bill confusion

  By Charles Sercombe Lately there has been a lot of discussion about the city’s water bills. For a recent two-month stretch the city fell behind in sending out monthly…

School district seeking renewal of vital operations tax

School district seeking renewal of vital operations tax

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck school officials will once again ask voters to approve a tax. Except this time it’s not a new tax. The public school district is seeking the…

Flood help extended

Flood help extended

By Charles Sercombe If you haven’t filed a flood damage claim already, there is still time to do so. FEMA, the national disaster relief agency, has extended its deadline to…

Hamtramck is one step away from welcoming new city manager

Hamtramck is one step away from welcoming new city manager

By Charles Sercombe The search for a new city manager is over. But contract negotiations are continuing between Hamtramck’s emergency manager and the city manager candidate of her choice, Katrina…

Emergency manager begins easing out of her role

Emergency manager begins easing out of her role

  By Charles Sercombe There is less than a month to go before Emergency Manager Cathy Square leaves Hamtramck. Square told The Review this week that she is leaving on…

Debate rages online over candidates

By Charles Sercombe There is plenty of chatter online about two school board candidates claiming residency in Warren and Hamtramck. During the past few weeks The Review has shown through…

Schools almost solvent

Schools almost solvent

  By Charles Sercombe The financial picture for Hamtramck Public Schools continues to improve. That was the news at Wednesday’s monthly school board meeting from the district’s auditor, Thomas Monteleon…

Citywide mapping project shows little blight

Citywide mapping project shows little blight

By Charles Sercombe The results are in from the citywide mapping project. And there is good news, blight-wise speaking. Out of a total of 6,170 properties recorded, 5,491 are structures.…

Residency question still lingers

Residency question still lingers

  By Charles Sercombe So, what happens now to those candidates who claimed residency in Hamtramck and also in another city? Unless someone makes a complaint with state officials or…