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Paczki Run makes a welcome return

Paczki Run makes a welcome return

  By Charles Sercombe Fun is returning to Hamtramck after two years of Covid worry. The pandemic shut down a number of events during that time, including the annual Paczki…

‘Detroit Remains’ takes a dive into area’s archeological sites

‘Detroit Remains’ takes a dive into area’s archeological sites

By Greg Kowalski Think of archeology, and you probably won’t think of hot jazz and ballroom dancing. But in Detroit, a city just over 300 years old, such modern concepts…

Muralist updates a vintage Hamtramck slogan

Muralist updates a vintage Hamtramck slogan

  By Alan Madlane The astute among you — and yes, we’re talking to you, dear reader – may well have noticed a new, large, pro-Hamtramck mural right square in…

Hamtramck’s war dead honored in city hall

Hamtramck’s war dead honored in city hall

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck veterans unveiled a new memorial for those who died in service. Veterans, city employees and others gathered in city hall Wednesday afternoon for a dedication…

School district opens its virtual doors to Cranbrook classes

School district opens its virtual doors to Cranbrook classes

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck Public Schools just upped their curriculum offerings. Unless you have a student who has benefited from these programs, you may be unaware that classes in…

City officials welcome Hamtramck’s first ‘pocket’ park

City officials welcome Hamtramck’s first ‘pocket’ park

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s newest, and smallest, park was officially welcomed last week. Residents and city and county officials held a dedication for “Salam Peace Park.” Salam is Arabic…

‘Plague Doctor’ has message for all: clean up this town

‘Plague Doctor’ has message for all: clean up this town

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck has a benevolent presence lurking its main streets on certain misty mornings. A wraithlike apparition, clad in black, with eerie, crow-faced features. Who could they…

Hamtramck’s ‘Al The Only’ has one more trick up his sleeve

Hamtramck’s ‘Al The Only’ has one more trick up his sleeve

  By Alan Madlane Who doesn’t like magic? Watching a magician ply their trade, one can find questions coming to the fore. Questions such as: • “How did they just…

Former resident’s newest book focuses on poetry

Former resident’s newest book focuses on poetry

  By Alan Madlane Ksenia Rychtycka, is a former Hamtramck resident and a Ukrainian-American poet and author. Our readership may remember her name from a prior interview article that we…

A worldwide treasure is just a short journey away from Hamtramck

A worldwide treasure is just a short journey away from Hamtramck

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck residents have a real gem at their disposal, sitting there just minutes away. In this place, one can see amazing and beautiful sights from around…