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For some, serving in public office is a bad fit

The three-month absence of City Councilmember Khalil Refai is not only mysterious, but it does underscore the need for people to do their homework before running for public office. Refai…

Guest Editorial: A need for more women in local politics

(Editor’s note: Recently, former Mayor Karen Majewski spoke at the Hamtramck Historical Museum regarding a presentation on “Women of Hamtramck.” Here are her comments.) By Karen Majewski You know, when…

Hamtramck, you’re looking trashy lately

This is not so much an editorial but, instead, a call to action. Look around your neighborhood and the city streets. What do you see? Litter everywhere. A ton of…

City can count its financial blessings — for now

Recently the city received a needed shot in the arm, financially-speaking. For the past several years, the city has been in deficit spending, burning through its budget surplus. And it…

Putting up road blocks to common sense development

Every election season, here in Hamtramck, there’s one thing you’ll be likely to hear from local candidates. Candidates are always saying how important it is to attract businesses, and encourage…

Councilmember’s resignation underscores the burden of the job

The recent resignation of City Councilmember Amanda Jaczkowski should serve as a stark reminder to future candidates to do your homework. Running for elected office comes with responsibilities – responsibilities…

Once again, the city has to face financial issues

Recently, the city council and mayor heard some alarming news about the city’s immediate future financial picture. The city is spending more money than it takes in, and the only…

Councilmembers and the mayor want a raise. Do they deserve it?

The city councilmembers may have a hard sell when it comes to convincing voters to give them raises. We’re not going to rush to judgment on this one but, instead,…

Max Garbarino: A good choice to tackle many issues

On Tuesday, the city council voted to hire Interim City Manager Max Garbarino as the city’s new city manager. The several other final candidates for the position didn’t come close…

Bike lanes: Try to give them a chance

Bike lanes are something that will always cause division in communities. Hamtramck is no exception. We get it that the issue of bike lanes on Jos. Campau is causing a…