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Letter from the Publisher…

A Valuable Asset In times of uncertainty, and with cities all facing the current economic downturn, it is especially important for cities, like businesses, to stay competitive, and to shift…

A welcome end to an ugly piece of history

A welcome end to an ugly piece of history

Hamtramck is starting the New Year with a bang. Last week, Hamtramck learned it will receive $13.9 million in federal stimulus money to build or rehab 39 housing units. The…

New round of housing is a win-win for Hamtramck

New round of housing is a win-win for Hamtramck

This Monday Hamtramck will celebrate a historic milestone. Not only is it Martin Luther King Jr. Day, it’s the 40th anniversary of a settlement deal between the city and a…

Firing teachers is not the answer in fixing education

Firing teachers is not the answer in fixing education

Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In our eyes, Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s signing up with the federal school aid package being called “Race to the Top” is nothing to…

City unions’ refusal to take cuts hurts all of us

City unions’ refusal to take cuts hurts all of us

Unbelievable. Yeah, that’s the word. The word, that is, for the city unions’ refusal to make contract concessions to avoid layoffs of city employees. Instead, the cops agreed to write…

‘Newsmaker of the Year’: The Bangladeshi voting bloc

‘Newsmaker of the Year’: The Bangladeshi voting bloc

The year 2009 was an incredible year. We had plenty of exciting ups and downs and in-betweens. As far as news, we had a ton to write about. The closing…

In these times, contract concessions are a must

In these times, contract concessions are a must

Hamtramck city officials and city unions aren’t alone in facing some tough choices to survive these harsh economic times. Public school officials and employees are also being hit hard and…

Police lawsuit requires city to take swift action

Police lawsuit requires city to take swift action

What are we to make of the Hamtramck Police Depart in light of a lawsuit filed by one of the department’s officers? The lawsuit, filed by officer Dennis Nunlee, who…

Despite financial cuts, Hamtramck must invest in itself

Despite financial cuts, Hamtramck must invest in itself

Hamtramck is facing severe cuts in its budget and may even have to lay off 17 police officers and 16 firefighters. Some in town are outraged over that notion, as…

Key to surviving financial collapse: decent paying jobs

Key to surviving financial collapse: decent paying jobs

Hamtramck heard some sobering economic news on Sunday from two Kalamazoo college professors. Kiran Cunnigham and Hannah McKinney met with a small group of residents and city officials to present…