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Critics of Police Department should walk in officers’ shoes

Critics of Police Department should walk in officers’ shoes

The public has every right to question the behavior and policies of a Police Department. But Tuesday’s rally sponsored by the Hamtramck NAACP over concerns about Hamtramck police was ill-timed…

Letter from the Publisher …

Letter from the Publisher …

By John Ulaj A special thank you I am pleased to announce the imminent publication of the Review’s special 2010 Hamtramck Residential and Business Phone Directory, which will be hand-delivered…

Public school teachers do the sensible thing

You could say Hamtramck’s public school teachers are pretty smart. The teachers’ union took a major contract concession by agreeing to a less expensive health insurance coverage plan. The district…

Some random thoughts on making the ‘Blowout’ better

Some random thoughts on making the ‘Blowout’ better

Once again, the Hamtramck Blowout was a smashing success. Although the event is privately run by the Metro Times and they do a bang up job, we have a few…

In the case of Sterling Oil, safety must come first

In the case of Sterling Oil, safety must come first

Patience. That’s what we suggest the folks at Sterling Oil get used to while waiting for the city to sign off on their plan to install eight new fuel tanks.…

Council takes wasting time to a brand new level

Council takes wasting time to a brand new level

Enough already. Hamtramck’s City Council has taken an inquiry into a $13,000 payment made to Acts 29 for work performed in 2009 to an absurd level. The council met in…

A waste of time for City Council

A waste of time for City Council

You could say that Councilmember Cathie Gordon has a point. And that point is the city administration needs to run a tighter ship when it comes to keeping track of…

City Council drops the ball on watching out for taxpayers

City Council drops the ball on watching out for taxpayers

So much for the City Council being watchdogs of the public’s money. On Monday, the City Council unanimously (except for Councilmember Shahab Ahmed, who was absent) voted during a special…

Granholm administration has been a friend to Hamtramck

Granholm administration has been a friend to Hamtramck

Wednesday was a great day for Hamtramck. That’s when the brand new state Department of Human Services building was officially opened. Although Gov. Jennifer Granholm couldn’t attend the grand opening,…

Even in tough economic times tough decisions are required

Even in tough economic times tough decisions are required

It may be counterintuitive to raise taxes or government fees in times of financial hardship, but a majority of Hamtramck’s City Councilmembers did the right thing recently. The council, except…