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City shouldn’t make state marijuana law more restrictive

City shouldn’t make state marijuana law more restrictive

Next week, a very important issue will be addressed at the city’s Planning Commission meeting on Aug.11. The question of how the city should handle the medical marijuana industry’s infusion…

Our endorsements for state and county seats

Our endorsements for state and county seats

Last week we cast our endorsement for state Representative in the upcoming Aug. 3 Primary Election. It’s a crowded field of 15 candidates, six of whom are Hamtramck residents. We…

City officials may have opened a bigger can of worms

City officials may have opened a bigger can of worms

You have to hand it to city officials for having the courage to stand up to Detroit. Last week, the City Council withheld payment to Detroit for water and sewer…

Time to re-evaluate the management of the Rec Dept.

Time to re-evaluate the management of the Rec Dept.

Last week we reported that the Hamtramck Recreation Department’s summer park program attracted only 4 percent of the city’s kids who are eligible to join. Four percent. As outrageous as…

Root of cities’ financial woes is lack of jobs

Root of cities’ financial woes is lack of jobs

On Tuesday, an update by the city manager on the financial future of the city was grim. In a special City Council meeting called to discuss the city’s finances, City…

Taxpayers getting a good soaking by Rec. Dept.

Taxpayers getting a good soaking by Rec. Dept.

Hamtramck taxpayers deserve answers about how their money is being spent by the Hamtramck Recreation Department. It’s outrageous that the department collects $1 million a year and spends half of…

Former veteran hall is in good hands now

The purchase of PLAV Post 1 Hall by the Hamtramck Historical Commission couldn’t be more appropriate. This building is historical in itself. It was built by World War I veterans…

City union eyes budget reality, now it’s the city council’s turn

City union eyes budget reality, now it’s the city council’s turn

For many of our readers this will sound like inside baseball kind of stuff. But it is yet another example of these hard financial times and how when things get…

A special thanks to our vets

This is a little late but the acknowledgment of the participation on Memorial Day is in order. Ceremonies were attended by Hamtramck Mayor Karen Majewski and most of the City…

If we all pull together, Hamtramck’s festival can be saved

If we all pull together, Hamtramck’s festival can be saved

Maybe last week we rushed too quickly to say that this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival should be canceled since the city had to lay off its special events coordinator.…