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Put that in your pipe and smoke it

Put that in your pipe and smoke it

As the City Council struggles to figure out how and where commercial medical marijuana growers can locate here, we’d like to add our two cents. There is talk of restricting…

Don’t punish the players who play by the rules

Don’t punish the players who play by the rules

While we don’t want to see this nipped in the bud, there is legitimate concern that a proposal to treat resale shops like pawn shops is too restrictive. City Councilmember…

“Having a competitive edge for the 21st Century

Is Hamtramck prepared for the 21st Century? The talk around town is of city promotion, festivals, and economic development planning, all of which are much needed for our city. If…

When it comes to city Promotions, it’s a good thing

When it comes to city Promotions, it’s a good thing

City promotion. It’s a concept that most would agree is needed to attract visitors here so they will hopefully spend some money with our merchants. Hamtramck has been pretty good…

Auto theft unit is saved but what about the future?

Auto theft unit is saved but what about the future?

Some fancy footwork, so to speak, was needed to keep Hamtramck’s auto theft unit intact. And it worked out all right this week, but the scramble to save the unit…

What was the point in delaying purchase of vests?

What was the point in delaying purchase of vests?

The issue of seeking concessions from the unions representing police officers is a legitimate one. Hamtramck’s two police officers’ unions have refused to concede so much as a nickel to…

High praise all around for a fantastic festival

High praise all around for a fantastic festival

What can we say about this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival? Fantastic. Considering the city was almost forced to cancel this year’s festival and the fact that volunteers stepped up…

Hamtramck’s ‘homegrown’ feeling will be contagious this weekend

Hamtramck’s ‘homegrown’ feeling will be contagious this weekend

Hamtramck, this is your weekend to shine. The annual Hamtramck Labor Day Festival almost didn’t happen this weekend. The city is so broke it had to lay off its special…

Council’s refusal to do the right thing threatens our safety

Council’s refusal to do the right thing threatens our safety

Hamtramck’s money woes may start cutting deep into the bone. The Police Department’s two auto theft investigators may have to be eliminated because the city can’t afford to kick in…

Keep your hands off the city’s new charter

Keep your hands off the city’s new charter

Don’t touch our City Charter. That’s a message our City Council needs to keep in mind when considering major changes in Hamtramck’s new charter, which was adopted by voters just…