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It’s the holiday season, and it’s a time to reflect and spread cheer

It’s the holiday season, and it’s a time to reflect and spread cheer

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone. This past year has been a roller-coaster ride for many. Homeowners have been hit with foreclosures and the city is almost bankrupt. The regional…

New governor is still silent on Hamtramck’s future

New governor is still silent on Hamtramck’s future

Lately, we’ve been overwhelmed by the ongoing developments of the city’s financial woes. Without a doubt, Hamtramck is facing tough times, and it’s beginning to wear on residents and city…

A state loan will buy the city a year to get it right

A state loan will buy the city a year to get it right

After all the huff and puff last week about the possible layoff of police officers and firefighters, and hours of special meetings, there won’t be a single cop or fireman…

Fate of Hamtramck rests in the hands of the city

Fate of Hamtramck rests in the hands of the city

At the risk of being guilty of beating a dead horse, we want to make one more plea for city officials and city employees to save our city. Hamtramck will…

Despite savings, Hamtramck still needs contract concessions

Despite savings, Hamtramck still needs contract concessions

Get a loan or go bankrupt. Those are the two choices facing Hamtramck. Gov. Jennifer Granholm doesn’t want Hamtramck to file for bankruptcy because it would likely open the floodgate…

Police chief is right to change wrong-headed policy

Police chief is right to change wrong-headed policy

What were they thinking? Last week, Channel 7 news investigator Scott Lewis aired a story about a gasoline station employee whose car was rear-ended by a woman driver who fled…

City Council and voters can help ease city’s financial woes

City Council and voters can help ease city’s financial woes

Last week we urged City of Hamtramck employees to agree to contract concessions to ensure the city’s survival. Hamtramck is facing a $3 million budget deficit and by January the…

With city’s finances getting worse, city employees must step up

With city’s finances getting worse, city employees must step up

We don’t mean to keep beating the same drum over and over. But Hamtramck’s future is at stake – at least the Hamtramck that we all know today. The city…

Hamtramck’s best interests is with the Democratic Party

Hamtramck’s best interests is with the Democratic Party

Traditionally, Hamtramck voters support Democratic candidates. And traditionally this newspaper has reflected the political leanings of the community. In this election, voters can vote for candidates in both parties, as…

If city unions don’t accept cuts, expect the worst

If city unions don’t accept cuts, expect the worst

When the City of Pontiac recently announced it was disbanding its entire police department and instead contracting out that service to Oakland County Sheriffs, you could almost feel a shudder…