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Hamtramck’s ongoing culture war is taking a toll on the city

It’s pretty obvious that Hamtramck is in a culture war – a war that has been brewing for months. First, it was about whether the city should allow marijuana dispensaries,…

Pot shops pay more than their fair share

The recent closing of a marijuana dispensary has prompted the usual “hoorays” from folks who wish all four Hamtramck outlets would go away. These folks claim that dispensaries are magnets…

Guest editorial …Is the pride flag issue really about ‘neutrality’?

By Linda Wolyniec At first I was angry. OK, I was angry several times. I put up pride stickers at my building. They were torn down. I put up fabric…

In Hamtramck, we still welcome immigrants

Last week, this page questioned whether Hamtramck can still be considered a welcoming place. That was in reference to the mayor and city council supporting a ban displaying a pride…

Guest Editorial: Of pride and prejudice in Hamtramck

By Russ Gordon The mayor’s and city council’s arguments supporting Hamtramck’s new restrictive flag resolution are obfuscations. In a heated council debate recently, they claimed that the Pride flag (one…

Is Hamtramck still a ‘welcoming’ community?

Way to go Hamtramck. And by Hamtramck, we mean the city’s mayor and city council, and by “way to go,” we mean that sarcastically. The mayor and council have managed…

Election season spawns the usual inflated claims

Hamtramck’s city finances have long been up and down. But some folks out there are claiming that the city’s current balanced budget is a first-ever historical moment. Bunk. We know…

Guest Editorial: These deserving students need help with essential expenses

Guest Editorial: These deserving students need help with essential expenses

By Michelle Odrobina Five students recently have made Hamtramck proud and we would like to help them in return. The Kosciuszko Middle School students won first prize in a statewide…

The dangers of social media are playing out here

It’s no secret that Hamtramck has a cultural divide, split between conservative religious folks and progressives. The one subject that continues to spark heated debate here is the display of…

The only population count that counts is the one held every 10 years

Recently, we reported that Hamtramck has seen a slight dip in its population, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. That adjustment is based on the bureau’s own quirky estimates, which…