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If reforms are coming in Police Dept., make them soon

If reforms are coming in Police Dept., make them soon

In certain quarters of the city, there is controversy over whether City Manager Bill Cooper can also hold the position of “acting” police chief. Our reading of the City Charter…

City needs to go after those suspected of voter fraud

Candidates and voters. Do they all live here? That’s a question we have raised in recent weeks, and it was once again echoed by City Council candidate Robert Zwolak, and…

City Council loses out on chance to attract business

Once again, the City Council has failed to adopt a zoning ordinance regulating where medical marijuana can be grown in the city. Of course, Hamtramck isn’t alone on where to…

Snyder’s financial policies are setting up cities for failure

This past week, Gov. Rick Snyder unveiled his plan to turnaround failing schools. It’s an ambitious plan, but ultimately, it’s awfully vague. For example, Snyder is seeking to have more…

Hamtramck’s police force is long overdue for a makeover

Hamtramck has a chance of taking a small step toward diversifying the ethnic makeup of the Police Department. The department currently has two African-American officers on the force out of…

Education cuts are aimed at busting teachers’ union

In a way, the contract concessions that Hamtramck Public School teachers agreed to was inevitable. That’s because Gov. Rick Snyder and his fellow Republican legislators are about to impose similar…

Crime wave brings community together

Periodically, Hamtramck experiences a crime wave of sorts. At the last City Council meeting, councilmembers complained about a rash of street muggings and young men and teens hanging out at…

For many, tax hike will hardly be noticed

We’ve said it before, but we’ll repeat it again. The Hamtramck City Council did the right thing on Tuesday by officially raising the city’s property tax rate to its legal…

Beware of candidates promising to cut taxes

This year’s field of candidates vying for three seats on City Council offers some hope for the future. We see some worthy candidates, but at the same time we see…

Tax increase gives city time to plan

We’re not going to say “Hooray” about this. That’s because no one likes to pay more taxes. But the City Council (except for councilmembers Mohammed Hassan and Kazi Miah) did…