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Like it or not, a dramatic change is on the way for our city

The year 2011 might go down in Hamtramck’s history as the last year of a budget surplus. That year ended with $2.7 million in the black, thanks to a settlement…

Like it or not, Hamtramck may have to expand services

Hamtramck and Highland Park. Like it or not, the fate of these two neighboring cities have apparently become intertwined. At least that’s the impression you get from what some folks…

City officials’ stance on police health care doesn’t add up

Is it fair to ask Hamtramck police officers to bear the brunt of their health insurance? Hamtramck is in a tight space. According to a new state law, pushed through…

National health care crisis comes home to roost in Hamtramck

Hamtramck’s City Council acted more like the Grinch than Santa at its last meeting for 2011. That’s when councilmembers (except for Cathie Gordon) voted to really sock it to the…

With the old year gone, let’s hope for a better 2012

Well, here it is, the end of the year. Goodbye 2011, and in some ways, good riddance. This was, without a doubt, a tough year to endure. The economy sucked,…

The year ahead presents a number of challenges to overcome

This is a week to count our blessings, and Hamtramck certainly has a lot to be thankful for. We are a city that is still surviving, and despite a growing…

Cutting public transportation is the exact opposite of ‘SMART’

What a blow to Hamtramck and the metro region. This week, the folks at the SMART bus service announced a massive cut in services and the laying off of 123…

American Axle deserves the treatment it’s getting

Ha-Ha-Ha! That’s what we’d like to say to executives at American Axle & Manufacturing. But you know what? It really doesn’t give us pleasure. Fact is, what the executives in…

Council does an end-run around city manager

Could it get any messier? While on the one hand we’re pleased that Hamtramck now has a new police chief on the way, the process in which it happened was…

Like it or not, there is indeed a speed trap

A couple of years ago we reported that Hamtramck’s speeding laws were on shaky legal ground. A relatively new state law requires communities to first perform a traffic study before…