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From the Publisher: Celebrating the true joy of life

By John Ulaj This Sunday, we celebrate one of the holiest days in Christianity, The Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Happy Easter everyone! I wish to bring…

Council’s apparent flip-flop on city manager is baffling

We’re going to be upfront. We do not wish to harp on what we think is a wrongheaded decision in hiring a person whose expertise is economic development to take…

In the wake of violence, Hamtramck rises up in solidarity

A pretty amazing thing happened last Friday evening. An incredible turnout of people participated in a quickly put-together rally/march in support of the six women who were violently attacked within…

In a time of financial crisis, experience counts

It’s rare that we publish an editorial ahead of our regular Friday paper, but there is a crisis in city government that needs to be addressed. Last week’s abrupt firing…

An attack on one is an attack on all of Hamtramck

Six women were victimized this past week in Hamtramck. That, of course, is six too many. We don’t know what this means, whether Hamtramck’s streets are getting meaner, or if…

It’s in the city’s best interest to direct development

Why in the world would three city councilmembers be opposed to having our zoning laws reviewed to make sure they are compatible to our proposed Master Plan? That was the…

Time is ticking away for city to come up with financial plan

We don’t mean to harp on this subject, but it’s still unclear to us what city officials plan to do to avoid payless paydays come June 30. Recently, City Manager…

Hamtramck needs the state to review its finances now, not later

Hamtramck’s city council had a chance to take a proactive strike, but decided, instead, to put off the inevitable. We’re talking about a proposal by City Manager Bill Cooper to…

City’s business district needs to be reserved for business

Does it make sense to have a religious institution locate in the heart of the city’s business district? Yes, we know there is a delicate balance between zoning laws geared…

Voters should have a say on a tax for public safety

With all the talk of reinventing our police and fire departments and possibly taking over public safety services in Highland Park, maybe it’s time to revisit another option. A couple…