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Expanding fire service could bring in extra revenue

Hamtramck firefighters say they are working on a plan to save the city money. One plan being considered, although not aggressively, firefighters admit, is to take over fire service in…

Do local officials know something we should all know?

We can’t help but chuckle at the thought that four out of six city councilmembers are seeking higher office in the upcoming election cycle. There’s nothing wrong with local elected…

Setting up our schools for failure seems to be the plan

You seriously have to wonder if state officials are setting up local school districts for failure. According to Hamtramck Schools Superintendent Tom Niczay, all schools have to pass certain performance…

GM is not being a good corporate neighbor

Talk about adding insult to injury. As our readers know, Hamtramck is hurting awfully bad, financially-speaking. In fact, we are a hair’s width away from total financial collapse, and subsequently…

Cutting business tax could further harm cities

There is a tax bill winding its way through the Michigan legislature that could financially devastate cities and school districts. State lawmakers, or more specifically, Republican lawmakers, are supporting a…

In Hamtramck, street art is anything but ‘dead’

It’s an old saying but one worth repeating: art is in the eye of the beholder. In other words, people are going to disagree on what is a piece of…

Council’s role in financial decisions goes too far

We know city officials are attempting to prevent a financial meltdown. But sometimes they overreach. Take, for example, what happened at a special meeting on Tuesday. Councilmember Cathie Gordon proposed…

There are no easy financial choices ahead for the city

Tell us if you’ve heard this one before. The city is going broke. But this time it’s for real — really. Yes, this warning has been repeated for many months…

School boardmember was fierce in her loyalty of Hamtramck

It is a sad note to hear that longtime Hamtramck School Boardmember Joan Borushko has been forced to step down due to ill health. Ms. Borushko is Hamtramck through and…

Let there be light in our city government

When are public records open for the public to view? There are a lot of exemptions when it comes to restricting public records, according to the Freedom of Information Act.…