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Festival organizers did an outstanding job despite the short notice

Well done. The organizers of this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival did an outstanding job. And when you think of the short time frame they had to pull things together,…

And now comes the hard part for the city council

The city council deserves to pat itself on the back. And Finance Director Nevrus Nazarko deserves some applause for producing a workable budget deficit elimination plan that gives the city…

City council needs to stop its micro-managing

It’s baffling what the city council is doing about the city’s financial well-being. Just when you think they are on the road to recovery, some members take a sudden loopy…

City officials need to step forward and firmly support the festival

Yes, there will be a Hamtramck Labor Day Festival this year. That wasn’t terribly clear in the last few weeks. And that’s a shame because there is no reason why…

In Tuesday’s election, we endorse the following …

Next Tuesday is the August Primary Election. Usually, primary elections don’t attract a large number of voters like general elections do. But that doesn’t mean they are any less important.…

Re-elect Wojtowicz and support the Detroit Institute of Arts

In the Aug. 7 Primary Election, it should be noted that Hamtramck’s own Raymond Wojtowicz is once again seeking re-election as Wayne County Treasurer. It’s probably a given that Wojtowicz…

In County Commission election, vote for SCOTT

This year’s election for county commissioner offers some interesting choices for Hamtramck voters. City Councilmembers Cathie Gordon and Tom Jankowski are among five challengers taking on incumbent Martha Scott. Commissioner…

Council should trust City Manager’s advice, pass Budget Plan

Passing a city budget plan is never an easy chore for the city council. But passing a plan to reduce the city’s growing deficit is going to be near impossible,…

Resistance to city budget is baffling and undermines recovery

For some reason, certain city councilmembers had a problem adopting this year’s city budget. Budgets are never easy, but this time around there was more than the usual confusion. For…

Time is running out for police contracts

It may be the best deal Hamtramck police officers, and their brass, can get. But the new contracts passed Monday night by the city council for the police department’s two…