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Deficit elimination plan only buys time for city

      Finally. After months of haggling over a budget deficit elimination plan, city officials – with the exception of Councilmember Abdul Algazali – came to an agreement. This…

What in the world is the city’s Plan Commission thinking?

On Feb. 13, The city’s Plan Commission will hold a public hearing on whether to rezone a parcel of land on St. Aubin St. from industrial only use to multi-use.…

For housing plaintiffs, end of lawsuit means justice denied

We’ve danced this dance before, but it appears that finally the legendary housing discrimination lawsuit filed against Hamtramck over 30 years ago is settled, once and for all. The Sarah…

Religious centers have no place in Hamtramck’s business zones

Religious centers have no place in Hamtramck’s business zones

      Enough is enough. Hamtramck is losing valuable real estate to religious institutions. A plan is in the works for a mosque to open on the northwest corner…

Police department needs all the extra eyes and ears it can get

    If you are a regular reader of our Crime Log, you will have no doubt noticed an uptick of street robberies in recent weeks. Some of them have…

Council’s indecision on budget plan shows lack of leadership

It’s a new year, but so far, we’ve seen the same old, same old from our city council. We’re speaking of the council’s collective inability to make a decision about…

A happy New Year will depend on our collective cooperation

Well, another year is about to pass. The year 2012 has been yet another roller-coaster ride for Hamtramck. The city has had bad financial news all year long, and a…

Council did the right thing to put search for city manager on hold

Maybe it’s a good thing that the council decided to pass on hiring a permanent city manager. Last week the council decided none of the three candidates seeking the position…

City officials need to allow the next city manager to do their job

As we go to print on Thursday, the city council and mayor are set to discuss what they thought of the three candidates they interviewed for the city manager’s job.…

Schools superintendent brought stability despite budget cuts

    Hamtramck Public Schools Superintendent Tom Niczay will be missed. He’s not gone now, but in a year, he will be retiring. Niczay dropped the news of his coming…