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Cost of snow plowing raises concern over accountability of tax dollars

We’ve said this before, but looking at the amount of money the city paid for snow plowing and street salting, Hamtramck needs to review this service. Last week we published…

To change city’s political culture, look no further than Councilmember Hassan

  What is it about City Councilmember Mohammed Hassan?           He has continually thumbed his nose at paying his bills. In the latest instance, Hassan has been fined for failing to…

A victory for the school millage is a victory for our kids

Smart decision, Hamtramck voters. On Tuesday, the public school district’s millage proposal managed to just get by and win. Although it’s unfortunate that the margin of victory was only 22…

Vote ‘YES’ this Tuesday for or community and kids

    Next Tuesday, May 6, is the day voters go to the polls and make a major decision.           Hamtramck’s Public School District is seeking a 4-mill tax to fund…

School millage is an investment in our kids and in our community

          With the school millage election just a little over two weeks away, a peculiar question has come up.           We hear from some voters – not many but enough…

Cost of snow removal is a legitimate concern for all

Did Hamtramck pay too much for snow removal this winter? Mayor Karen Majewski has raised this question after Emergency Manager Cathy Square recently released her three-month financial report. In the…

The journey toward street repairs begins now for elected officials

City officials should probably start planning now. This winter was rough all around, as everyone knows, but especially so for our streets. Potholes are everywhere, and so far there is…

When it comes to holding office, it takes a leader to stand up

It’s not easy being an elected official. They have to put up with abuse from the public, and the public can be a nasty, unforgiving beast. Take, for example, the…

An investment in the school millage is an investment in our community

In last week’s issue we explored several reasons why the Hamtramck Public Schools’ upcoming millage vote is important to Hamtramck. We can’t stress enough why we, as a community, need…

New music festival offers a kick in economic development

A big high-five goes out to the people who put together the recent Hamtramck Music Festival. In only five weeks’ time they put together a knockout festival that reminded us…