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With fingers crossed, city’s financial future is looking up

The next five years will be revealing regarding the financial health of Hamtramck. Recently, City Manager Katrina Powell submitted a projected five-year budget to the state’s Transition Advisory Board, which…

While Hamtramck stalls, opportunity goes up in smoke

Hamtramck sure can be slow when it comes to getting business done. While it is no one person’s fault, the city has taken a long, long time in adopting regulations…

Campaign to distort school millage renewal continues on

Some folks just don’t get the message. Or perhaps, worse, they are deliberately distorting the issue of the school millage renewal. Recently, voters turned down a school millage renewal that…

Hamtramck is being drained of money by legal fees for lawsuit

Is it unreasonable for a lawsuit to continue for more than 40 years? You would think so, and you would think someone would have the power to rein it in.…

Campaign to win school millage renewal is far from over

Hamtramck Public School officials are fighting mad. School Superintendent Tom Niczay and school boardmembers are still upset about the sneaky and illegal negative ad campaign that likely led to the…

Police chief’s sudden departure raises more questions than answers

Obviously the big news in town this week is the sudden resignation of Police Chief Max Garbarino. It was just last week that Garbarino was placed on what was called…

Those against school millage are in special need of an education

It’s understandable that many of us are cynical when it comes to elections. We expect people to lie and exaggerate. But when it hits home in Hamtramck, elections are more…

City needs to take ownership of Paczki Day and be a better host

We hate to repeat ourselves on this issue, but it’s still worth mentioning. Paczki Day has once again come and gone, and the town was filled with visitors and there…

School millage renewal is a painless way to support district

The good news about next Tuesday’s school millage renewal election is that if it’s passed, most residents and homeowners don’t have to pay it. Yes, you read that right, this…

Democracy’s thin line in Hamtramck is being chipped away

City Councilmember Anam Miah has a right to be upset. In last week’s issue we reported on his outcry over the city manager reformatting the city council agenda. The council…