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Hike in water fees will be money well spent

Like it or not, we have to fix up our city. In the upcoming months it’s likely we will see an extra fee tacked onto our water bills in order…

An act of defiance has its roots in state’s overreach

Recently there was a brouhaha made over three city councilmembers initially refusing to pass a city budget. They were warned of dire consequences if they refused to OK this budget,…

Public schools are part of the fabric of our community

A recent issue of our newpaper, you may have noticed, was dedicated to our Public School District. The district is one of the city’s most valuable jewels. It’s an institution…

Housing lawsuit is far from over for a handful of residents

We reported last week that while the longstanding Hamtramck housing lawsuit is about to wrap up, there are still some folks who have grievances. The fact that this lawsuit isn’t…

A nagging question: What to do about people without water?

On the one hand, getting your water service shut off by the city is a bad thing. On the other hand, the city can’t afford to give away that service…

Crackdown on candidates is a welcome relief

It’s been a law on the books, but something the city hasn’t bothered to comply with for years – for whatever reason. The City Clerk’s Office is now doing a…

In Wayne County it’s a game of waiting forever

Road repairs. We’ve been talking about them for months now. This past winter was more brutal than usual on our roads, and residents have been steadily complaining about when the…

This election season is missing one thing: candidates

Where are the candidates? This year’s election for city council attracted very few candidates, which is surprising when you consider three seats will be on the ballot. In past elections…

Proposal 1 is not perfect but it’s the only choice we have

There is one thing that folks from all sides of the political spectrum can agree on: Our roads need to be fixed. Now. But how we should go about funding…

In Hamtramck, far too many have fallen behind on water bills

Owning a home comes with a number of responsibilities. Besides making your mortgage payment each month, there is one more must-pay bill: Your water bill. For too many property owners…