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A fitting tribute to a man who dedicated his life to Hamtramck

History will likely be kind to former Mayor Robert Kozaren. He was the city’s longest serving mayor, having been in office for 18 years, and he is arguably the most…

Hamtramck proved it is not ready for local control

City Councilmembers Anam Miah, Robert Zwolak, Abu Musa and Mohammed Hassan may have set the clock back to when Hamtramck can return to independence from the state. At a special…

In Hamtramck, we know how to survive and have fun

To the many visitors who are here for the Hamtramck Labor Day Festival, welcome. This is the 36th year the festival is taking place, and as you’d expect it’s had…

Fighting crime begins with the help of residents

Hamtramck has always enjoyed a reputation of being a safe city. But we are smack dab in the middle of Detroit and we do have crime. Lately, there has been…

Voters did the right thing by supporting school millage

Voters did themselves a huge favor by supporting the school millage on Aug. 4. And campaign supporters of the millage deserve a big hand in sending the message out. We…

Housing lawsuit still haunts city and property owners

Will it ever end? That’s something we imagine a number of residents were thinking recently when it was reported that a housing discrimination lawsuit filed against the city over 40…

Objecting to sewer repair costs is pointless

Like it or not, we are going to pay for sewer repairs. There are certain people in town who are complaining that the city’s repair project is too little, too…

New city policy on awarding bids will have unintended consequences

A new city administration policy was announced at a special city council meeting on Tuesday. And it’s one that we think seriously needs to be revisited. The meeting was held…

Evidence appears compelling that boardmember is not qualified

Last week the Hamtramck School Board heard evidence regarding the residency status of Boardmember Mohammad Huda. Private investigator David Adamczyk, who provided his services at no charge, offered some compelling…

School millage renewal is in the best interest of everyone

A number of absentee ballots have gone out in recent weeks. There are two things for voters to decide on: narrowing down the field of candidates running for city council…