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Want to beat the winter blahs? Hamtramck has some remedies

Want to beat the winter blahs? Hamtramck has some remedies

All of us who love Hamtramck know why this is such a special city. This weekend and next are perfect examples of why this city, despite all its ups and…

Financial crisis means change is coming to the city

Last week, the city council and the mayor received some sobering financial news. If spending continues at the current rate, the city will be $11 million in the hole within…

Making our streets safe for pedestrians is job one

Making our streets safe for pedestrians is job one

  For the past several weeks our City Life columnist has taken a close look at how to make our streets safer for pedestrians. Hamtramck has long been known as…

City’s hope for a new tax stream is going up in smoke

Hamtramck’s elected officials continue to go down the wrong path when it comes to allowing the sale and production of recreational and medical marijuana. At the last city council meeting,…

Guest Editorial: Resolution of censure raises questions of competency on multiple fronts

By Ian Perrotta The resolution of censure passed against me by the Hamtramck City Council – and the subsequent coverage (or lack thereof) by The Hamtramck Review – marks a…

Censure resolution makes all councilmembers look bad

To say that the relationships among some city councilmembers is strained is an understatement. Normally, the ebb and flow of interpersonal relations among city officials don’t rise to something worth…

What’s in a sign? Plenty when they pollute the city

Recently the city council adopted an update for an ordinance regulating business signs. For those not familiar with government, yes, cities regulate all sorts of things. Mayor Karen Majewski hailed…

Partnership between city and schools pays off in grant

Talk about something to be thankful for during this past holiday season. In December it was officially announced that the Hamtramck Public School District was awarded an $800,000 grant from…

Despite local protests, we now face an environmental threat

Despite local protests, we now face an environmental threat

    Several weeks ago community leaders held a protest outside of the US Ecology waste plant, located about a mile east of Hamtramck. Those participating included Hamtramck Public Schools…

The year ahead will be a challenging one

This week is part two of our annual “Year in Review.” There was plenty of good news that happened in 2018 – the partnership between the school district and the…