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Federal judge leaves a huge legacy for Hamtramck

Hamtramck’s long-standing housing discrimination lawsuit has lost a key player. Federal Justice Damon Keith, who oversaw the case since the 1970s, died recently at the age of 96. Keith, an…

Towing lawsuit underscores need to tighten regulatory laws

The expanded federal lawsuit regarding the behavior of a towing company operator underscores a need for local and state officials to step up. The towing industry in Michigan is known…

Filling the role of school superintendent is no easy job

This past week the Hamtramck Board of Education interviewed six candidates for the position of superintendent. Next week, those who made the cut will be interviewed one more time. This…

Budget crunch will require some hard choices

Last week’s announcement that the Holbrook repaving project started back up will be about the only good news for street improvements this year. It is likely that the city will…

Hamtramck might be small, but it’s not small-town minded

Recently, a good friend of Hamtramck, journalist Michael Jackman, posted on his Facebook page an article he wrote a couple of years ago that got us thinking. Jackman is a…

With fingers crossed, good things are happening at the old ball park

A huge thanks is due to the good folks at The Friends of Historic Hamtramck Stadium and the Piast Institute. They recently sponsored an ambitious online fundraising campaign to replace…

Hamtramck will have to face likelihood of losing GM plant

At this point it appears General Motors really has no plan to keep the Poletown Plant open. At a town hall meeting last Saturday, Mayor Karen Majewski basically said so.…

Detroit’s disregard for its past has encroached on Hamtramck

The Detroit Land Bank Authority can add another blunder to its rocky tenure. The organization had previously come under scrutiny for failing to monitor a demolition contractor’s work. The contractor…

Hamtramck Public Schools continue on road to success

A couple of weeks ago the public school district held its annual “State of the District” address. Once again, the district had good news to report: It is financially sound,…

Hamtramck’s historic stadium is on track to being reborn

Hamtramck’s historic stadium is on track to being reborn

  Good things continue to happen to Hamtramck, despite our occasional bumps in the road. Detroit rock and roll star Jack White is donating $10,000 in the effort to renovate…