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Stop in the name of safety: City cracking down on speeders

Cracking down on speeding and reckless drivers is long overdue in Hamtramck. One huge hurdle to doing this has been the city having too few police officers to perform consistent…

Sometimes moving forward requires tuning out naysayers

Are 3-D illustrations at crosswalks a good idea? Recently, our City Life columnist, Walter Wasacz, wrote about a joint city and school pilot project to have these innovative designs installed…

Reader feedback … Are 3-D crosswalk illustrations worth it?

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck Review readers had a lot to say about last week’s City Life column, regarding school and city officials agreeing to create a special pilot program. The…

Schools superintendent leaves an impressive legacy

This week marks the end of an era for Hamtramck’s Public Schools. Superintendent Tom Niczay is ending his storied career in education this week, and the torch is being passed…

Finally, a plan develops to make pedestrians safer

The city and public school district partnership is once again paying off. City and school officials met last week to tackle a problem that has long plagued our city streets:…

Reader feedback … Tackling the city’s financial crunch

By Charles Sercombe Readers have once again been busy discussing the issues of the week. Former Hamtramck School Boardmember Nasr Hussain had the most to say in our comment sections…

City council needs to clarify what a ‘defaulter’ means

Now that a legal opinion has come down clearing City Councilmember Saad Almasmari of being a “defaulter,” here’s a job for the council to tackle: Either come up with new…

New city budget gives officials one year to act

  For the first time in several years, city officials are faced with a budget deficit. Fortunately, the city has a $6 million budget surplus to dip into. In addition…

Of charter rules and marijuana dispensaries

The issue of an elected official being in default to the city has once again come up. A city council candidate filed a complaint about an incumbent councilmcmber seeking re-election,…

‘Banglatown’ gets its proper due with a huge investment

There are big improvements coming. Although not in Hamtramck itself, the Detroit Strategic Neighborhood Fund has ambitious plans for what’s commonly called “Banglatown” – located just east and north of…