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Pension health care cut underscores bigger issue

As the saying goes, elections have consequences. Case in point: Hamtramck’s ever-fragile financial position. When former Republican Gov. Rick Snyder was voted into office over eight years ago, one of…

Election results come as a surprise for many

Hamtramck’s political winds have once again shifted. The city council has lost three incumbents councilmembers. In the August Primary Election, two incumbents, Anam Miah and Abu Musa, were knocked out…

Poletown closing comes with a stiff financial setback for city

Last week we reported some good news/bad news about the GM Poletown plant. The good: The plant will remain open. The bad: It will be shut down for as long…

Continued effort to ban pot sales is wrongheaded

Once again, some city councilmembers are determined to prevent Hamtramck from reaping the benefits of a new tax revenue stream. We are talking about a recent effort to ban recreational…

Despite good news from GM strike, city faces challenges

There was good news for striking UAW workers and for Hamtramck last week. For the workers, it looks like their month-long strike may be over (with a tentative labor agreement…

State financial cuts lead to drastic measures locally

It’s no secret that Hamtramck finances are prone to huge setbacks. The city has come under state supervision – via the appointment of an emergency manager – twice in recent…

Study offers a plan to spur new housing

Hamtramck has long been home to newly-arrived immigrants. For decades, Hamtramck has been identified as a Polish enclave. But in recent years, the city’s ethnic makeup has greatly changed. Now,…

Have trust in the court system and due process

A high-profile resident of our community has recently been accused of a very serious crime. Upon hearing the news last week, many folks have expressed shock and even anger. It’s…

City hall façade upgrade raises a number of questions

Without a doubt, Hamtramck City Hall needs a facelift. The front entrance has been looking pretty shabby for several years. But is it worth the estimated $200,000 to get into…

For students, our public schools offer the world

We’ve said this before, but it’s worth repeating: If you are enrolled in the Hamtramck Public School District, chances are that you will have an amazing cultural experience. Why is…