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Without a bailout, city is heading for hard times

Unless Congress allocates money to bail out states and municipalities, things are going to get rough in Hamtramck. Rough, as in, expect massive cutbacks in city programs and city employees.…

City had no choice in issuing employee furloughs

Tough times call for tough decisions. Last week, the city furloughed 27 employees and cut the fire chief’s full-time position to part-time, and also reduced his yearly wages by half.…

We made it this long, another two weeks is worth it

Two more weeks. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has extended her “stay home, stay safe” directive until May 15, in hopes that the coronavirus pandemic lightens up. That means not going out…

In an era of a pandemic, here’s something to celebrate

Despite the never-ending gloomy news about the coronavirus pandemic, and the increasing number of local deaths from the disease, there has been some good news. In better times, Hamtramck would…

Water Department can afford to make amends

A few weeks ago, we reported that the Water Department has a $11 million budget surplus. That’s a lot of money. We asked what that money will be used for,…

For some in Hamtramck, social distancing needs practice

In last week’s City Life column about how residents are reacting to the coronavirus outbreak, it was noted that we need to practice social distancing more. It may have been…

Virus crisis means changing city hall business as usual

Challenging times require novel solutions. With everyone under state orders to stay at home, and to observe social distancing from one another when you do have to go out, the…

School board now has more time to promote its bond proposal

The Hamtramck public School Board did the responsible thing by postponing its bond election. The board had planned to hold a special election on May 5, but at the request…

Tough financial times call for tough decisions

As we reported last week, 60 percent of the city’s $16 million yearly budget goes toward providing police and fire services. It’s typical for most communities to spend the lion’s…

School district seeks to shore up its future

Last week, the public school district held its annual State of the District presentation. And as we reported, it was all good news, financially-speaking as well as for student services…