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Charter proposals offer plenty to think about

Hamtramck voters are faced with a possible seismic shift in how the city provides police and fire services. There are two ballot proposals this Nov. 3 that ask voters to…

Sewer line repairs still have a long way to go

Hamtramck’s struggle to fix its ailing sewer system continues to inch forward. The city council recently OK’d spending $4.9 million from the water department’s budget to begin the next phase…

Haven’t filled out a Census form? Do it right now and be counted

The Census count effort is rounding the corner and is about to close down by the end of the month. We can’t say this enough: It is imperative for Hamtramck…

Protecting our stadium is a sound investment

If you are a regular reader of this paper, you will know that Hamtramck has rediscovered an old jewel. For years, Hamtramck’s baseball stadium had fallen into disrepair. There was…

City officials need to step up in securing festival

Normally in this week’s issue you would see scenes from last weekend’s annual Hamtramck Labor Day Festival. Normal is no longer normal in the age of COVID. The pandemic has…

Is profanity and crude public discourse the new normal?

Much has been said in the past week about Councilmember Ian Perrotta’s recent censure by his fellow councilmembers. This is the second time that Perrotta has been called out for…

Hamtramck needs to step up its Census participation

We can’t say this enough. If you haven’t filled out your Census form, drop everything you are doing and go fill it out. Why? There are a whole bunch of…

The fight continues for environmental justice

Despite protests over a nearby recycling center seeking to store tens of thousands of gallons of toxic waste, a state agency gave its blessing. Since state officials refused to listen…

City charter change proposal raises too many unknowns

From the looks of things, the city council’s decision to ask voters to change the city charter is dead on arrival – based on the pushback we have seen on…

School officials made the right decision for fall

Last week, it was announced that students in the Hamtramck Public School District – which does not include charter schools — will continue to learn from home this fall. That…