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Zoning Board barely avoided a costly lawsuit

Thank goodness that cooler heads prevailed during a recent Zoning Board of Appeals decision. A few weeks ago, a bare majority of ZBA members voted to reject a variance request…

Open porches lead to good neighbors and safety

Should the city allow new housing units to have enclosed porches? In case you are wondering, this is actually a hot-button issue in the city council. A proposal, which seemingly…

This year, the Goodfellows fundraiser has special meaning

Without a doubt, the year 2020 has been a kick in the behind for just about everyone. The coronavirus pandemic has caused financial hardships for many households. Hamtramck has always…

In a time for leadership, a fail

We are in a pandemic, with thousands of businesses closing, millions of folks without jobs, and millions more about to have their unemployment benefits end. And what do our City…

City is running out of options on how to pay its bills

Now that Hamtramck voters have rejected funding public safety pensions, and allowing the city council to revamp police and fire services, there is a big question remaining. How is the…

Voters reject proposals; now what happens?

The voters have spoken, and the three city ballot issues all went down in defeat. So now what? The three proposals were placed on the ballot as a way to…

Guest Editorial: School District remains united in support for community’s children

By Jaleelah Ahmed Hamtramck Public Schools Superintendent Thus far, 2020 has been a far more challenging year than we could have ever anticipated. The beginning of the school year is…

Voters face a daunting decision on city’s future

Next Tuesday (Nov. 3), Hamtramck voters will have a lot to consider. Besides choosing which political candidates should hold office – including the president – voters here have three controversial…

In politics, anyone can get involved – even outsiders

As we mentioned in last week’s issue, Hamtramck voters have been faced with numerous controversial ballot proposals and recall elections in the past. Political controversy has constantly been a part…

Hamtramck readies for needed housing development

For years, Hamtramck has been handcuffed from selling city-owned lots. The lots had been tied up in a complicated and drawn-out housing discrimination lawsuit. That lawsuit has nearly ended, and…