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Schools taking smart approach to re-opening

Hamtramck Public School officials are undertaking one of the hardest decisions they have had to make: Bringing students back into classrooms during a pandemic. It’s been a year since students…

Council handed existing pot stores the gift of monopoly

One of the curious things about the city’s new marijuana ordinance is that it gives the existing cannabis dispensaries a virtual monopoly. A majority of the city council adopted the…

By doing nothing, council guarantees financial collapse

One way or another, Hamtramck, you are going to pay. Pay for what, you ask? Pay for the pension costs for firefighters and police officers. The city simply can’t afford…

Holding public office is not meant to be a money-maker

  Talk about tone deaf. Last week, City Councilmember Nayeem Choudhury proposed to raise the salaries of the council and the mayor. But then, at Tuesday’s council meeting, he withdrew…

City’s financial crisis needs to more conversation

In last week’s issue, we discussed what will be the top issues facing the city in this new year. The debate over whether to allow recreational marijuana sales will continue…

Guest Editorial: Return to school plans require utmost caution and detailed planning

Guest Editorial: Return to school plans require utmost caution and detailed planning

By Jaleelah Ahmed Superintendent, Hamtramck Public Schools Recently, Governor Whitmer encouraged school districts across Michigan to begin offering in-person learning options. Since her announcement, many members of the HPS community…

HPS district is taking right approach to classroom learning

The Hamtramck Public School District has decided not to rush back to in-person classroom learning this March. Recently, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer opened the doors for schools to return to classroom…

Banning marijuana shops makes absolutely no sense

Recently, four city councilmembers made a reckless decision. Those councilmembers rushed through an ordinance banning any more recreational marijuana outlets from setting up shop in Hamtramck. They pushed this ordinance…

With 2020 behind us, now is the time to unite

We can all agree that we’re glad to see the year 2020 end. Obviously COVID played a huge part in our lives. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like it will go…

Guest Editorial: Councilmember Andrea Karpinski’s resignation letter

Guest Editorial: Councilmember Andrea Karpinski’s resignation letter

  By Andrea Karpinski It is not without careful consideration that I write this Letter of Resignation from my position as Hamtramck City Councilwoman. Over the last seven years, I…