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Election year offers challenges to candidates

Hamtramck’s election season is now off and running. There is a lot at stake this year – but then again, there is every year. Hamtramck is once again experiencing a…

Addressing street harassment should start in the schools

It’s been happening for years in Hamtramck. Specifically, street harassment of women. Whether it’s catcalls or aggressive sexual propositioning, generations of Hamtramck women have experienced this verbal assault. There are,…

Police reform begins with civilian oversight

Police reform has been on the minds of many folks nationwide following a spate of police shootings of unarmed suspects. Recently, a Hamtramck-based writer proposed, in an opinion article in…

Caniff rebuild project is worth the inconvenience

This is going to be a rough spring and summer for Hamtramck and its visitors. Why? Well, the city’s main artery to I-75 is being torn up and rebuilt. Construction…

Hamtramck is ready to rebuild its housing

Hamtramck has its financial challenges, but there is one bright spot. The city is serious about bringing back housing. For decades, Hamtramck has been unable to unload its many vacant…

Scaled down sidewalk plan is better than none

It’s a small step in the right direction. City officials wisely decided to abandon an ambitious three-year citywide sidewalk replacement plan that would have cost homeowners a bundle of money.…

Stimulus boost doesn’t address city’s core problem

Last week, the city received good news. Hamtramck, like 1,500 other communities in Michigan, is in line to receive federal dollars from the stimulus bill. We’re getting $2.1 million –…

Let the market decide about businesses

We often hear residents complain about the empty storefronts on Jos. Campau, and the supposed failure of city leaders to attract businesses. Some folks believe that big-name companies are just…

Like it or not, a tax hike is coming

Doing nothing is not an option. Hamtramck’s financial forecast is not looking good. In about two years, the city will no longer be able to pay all of its bills.…

City’s finances are now at a critical crossroad

City councilmembers received an earful this week about the city’s dire financial picture. It’s a subject that’s been brought up before, but not quite at length like in Tuesday’s budget…