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Hamtramck is steadily making needed improvements

It’s gratifying to see progress play out in Hamtramck. For the past couple of years, we have seen new sewer lines installed in the southend, the repaving of Holbrook and…

City council missed an opportunity to fight blight

Recently, the city council had a chance to help ensure the prevention of housing blight. It was just one tool that the city could use, but the council decided to…

Let’s talk about public safety and what we want

During the past several months there has been a lot of talk in town, and nationally, about the role of police departments. Some have called for “defunding” police – even…

Thanks to volunteers, the Labor Day Festival succeeded

Hamtramck’s end-of-the-summer party was a smash. After being forced to take a year off because of the Covid pandemic, the Hamtramck Labor Day Festival returned, with plenty of gusto. While…

Labor Day Festival is a welcomed relief

Hamtramck has been through a lot in the last year. Just like everyone else in the nation. We missed a lot of things that the Covid pandemic prevented from happening…

A failure of communication and the lessons we can learn

There is probably one thing residents can agree on in the latest flap over the police department’s stepped-up enforcement of pedestrian safety laws: There was a huge failure to communicate…

School district follows common-sense precautions

Bravo, Hamtramck Public Schools. That is, bravo for requiring students and staff to wear masks when school returns in a few weeks. You’d think that decision would be a no-brainer,…

Primary election had its good and ugly sides

A congratulations goes out to all the candidates who participated in last week’s primary election. It is heartening to see a whole new crop of candidates come forward and offer…

Hamtramck gives thanks to those preserving our stadium

We’ve spilled plenty of ink in recent years about the amazing history and rebirth of Hamtramck’s very own historic baseball stadium. Last week, we wrote about a last piece of…

Fixing the city’s flooding problem comes down to one thing

Once again, both Hamtramck and the greater greater metro area suffered another episode of major flooding. This is now the third time, within just a few weeks, that residents have…