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Former Gandhi restaurant has a new name and new look

Former Gandhi restaurant has a new name and new look

By Ian Perrotta Good news for anyone who missed their favorite flavors from the former Gandhi restaurant on Conant – it’s back (sort of) and better than ever. Rechristened ZamZam,…

St. Joe’s sister nursing home gets an uplift

The Ambassador Nursing & Rehabilitation Centre, located just 10 minutes away from Hamtramck, recently announced it has made some major improvements. Some of the renovations taking place over the past…

This year’s Hamtramck Festival has some new features

This year’s Hamtramck Festival has some new features

By Ian Perrotta Next week is the Hamtramck Labor Day Festival, and if you think you’re in for the same old festivities as in years past, you’re only partially right.…

Hamtramck stays ‘golden’ with addition of new restaurant

Hamtramck stays ‘golden’ with addition of new restaurant

By Ian Perrotta As international as Hamtramck is, up until a few weeks ago it lacked one thing: a Chinese restaurant. Not anymore. After a few-years-long hiatus, Golden Hill Chop…

Pot law is far from being wrapped up

Pot law is far from being wrapped up

By Ian Perrotta Things got a little hazy at Wednesday (Aug. 11) night’s Planning Commission meeting to discuss the proposed medical marijuana ordinance. No, it wasn’t a cloud of smoke…

A sneak peek at development plans for the city

A sneak peek at development plans for the city

By Ian Perrotta Last Wednesday (July 28) was the final meeting for the city’s Master Plan revision process. But it wasn’t the last chance for residents to give their input.…

Proposed zoning law will restrict pot growing

Proposed zoning law will restrict pot growing

By Ian Perrotta Now that medical marijuana is legal in the state and Hamtramck, the city wants to regulate it. With the passage of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA)…

Review will host a fundraiser for Labor Day Festival

Review will host a fundraiser for Labor Day Festival

By Charles Sercombe This year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival needs all the help it can get. The city was so broke this year it had to lay off the special…

Having a ball at the Painted Lady

Having a ball at the Painted Lady

By Ian Perrotta All you need to know is how to count to four. At least, that’s all you need to know to start learning how to ballroom dance. The…

It will be all ‘homegrown’ at this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival

It will be all ‘homegrown’ at this year’s Hamtramck Labor Day Festival