Better late than never for school board

Hamtramck School Boardmembers are talking about tackling a nagging problem among some members: absenteeism.
It’s about time.
For some reason, the board has not had a policy regarding the absences of members. Most public bodies have such a policy.
We have never seen a board where members are so cavalier about their duties as elected officials. It certainly doesn’t set a good example for students – especially when there is a nationwide problem with students being chronically absent from school.
We suggest that the board settle on a policy that addresses not only unexcused absences, but also limiting the number of excused absences. There is no reason the public should put up with a board member who misses meetings for most of the year – excused or not.
Board President Jihan Aiyash is a prime example of a board member taking advantage of missing most of 2022 without a public explanation about why she could not attend.
If board members find themselves incapacitated for one reason or another for a length of time, they should do the honorable thing and resign in order to allow someone else carry on the duty of making sure our kids get the best education we can offer.
While it’s encouraging boardmembers say they should set a policy, there’s a cliché that comes to mind: Talk is cheap.
Will boardmembers actually follow through? So far, we have not been encouraged that they mean what they say – other than give themselves fat raises at the beginning of this school year and manage to not be able to meet at all for three separate months in 2023.
Posted Feb. 9, 2024

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