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Stories written by csercombe

City officials deserve credit for their hard work

The stars have been aligning for Hamtramck lately. By that, we mean there is state and federal funding in the pipeline that will likely be coming to Hamtramck. It could…

Hamtramck Public Schools offer free vaccines and boosters

Hamtramck Public Schools offer free vaccines and boosters

By Charles Sercombe Still haven’t gotten a Covid vaccine or booster? If so, be sure to stop by the HPS Community Center Gymnasium, 11350 Charest St., on Dec. 2 or…

‘Tis the season for the Goodfellows holiday food drive

‘Tis the season for the Goodfellows holiday food drive

  By Charles Sercombe The Hamtramck Goodfellows are back in action this year. Last year, the Covid pandemic threw a wrench in the annual donation drive, but with more people…

Federal funding is coming for water lines

Federal funding is coming for water lines

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s problem with lead water lines keeps getting more attention. On Monday, Congresswoman Brenda Lawrence, who was joined by State Sen. Adam Hollier, held a press…

Governor proposes funding to help with replacing lead water lines

Governor proposes funding to help with replacing lead water lines

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck may be in line to receive funding to replace the city’s lead water lines sooner than expected. Last week, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer announced a plan to…

‘Plague Doctor’ has message for all: clean up this town

‘Plague Doctor’ has message for all: clean up this town

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck has a benevolent presence lurking its main streets on certain misty mornings. A wraithlike apparition, clad in black, with eerie, crow-faced features. Who could they…

Thanksgiving is a time to relax and reflect

This week, we all celebrate Thanksgiving. The holiday allows all of us to pause and reflect – and to be with our family and friends. This year has once again…

City has its hand out for federal infrastructure funding

City has its hand out for federal infrastructure funding

  By Charles Sercombe Will Hamtramck see any of the newly passed national infrastructure funding? That’s the multi-million-dollar question city officials are pondering. There is no shortage of needs here.…

Students will be staying home next week for district cleaning

Students will be staying home next week for district cleaning

  By Charles Sercombe It’s back to at-home virtual learning for Hamtramck Public School students, starting next Monday (Nov. 22). But it’s only for Monday through Wednesday during the holiday…

Policing issue raises a lot of questions

Much has been talked about in town, and all across the country, on whether communities should downsize their police departments. Some say that instead of having officers answer some calls,…