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Stories written by csercombe

HPS teachers raise issues of school security after shooting

HPS teachers raise issues of school security after shooting

  By Charles Sercombe The recent shooting deaths at Oxford High School, located north of Detroit, has some local teachers concerned about their safety. At the monthly Hamtramck School Board…

As usual, Hamtramck has had a rollercoaster year

We were leafing through the back issues of this past year, and whew! What a year. The pandemic was obviously raged on during the year, and it’s still with us…

Hamtramck’s war dead honored in city hall

Hamtramck’s war dead honored in city hall

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck veterans unveiled a new memorial for those who died in service. Veterans, city employees and others gathered in city hall Wednesday afternoon for a dedication…

Polish community says farewell to the mayor

Polish community says farewell to the mayor

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s Polish community gave outgoing Mayor Karen Majewski a tribute party last Friday evening. The setting for the evening was at the Hamtramck Historical Museum, which…

Oxford school shooting causes a wave of closings

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck Public School District students got an unscheduled day off last Friday. A wave of schools across the metro area also closed last week, following the shooting…

School district opens its virtual doors to Cranbrook classes

School district opens its virtual doors to Cranbrook classes

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck Public Schools just upped their curriculum offerings. Unless you have a student who has benefited from these programs, you may be unaware that classes in…

Mayor Majewski served the community well

Last Friday, Hamtramck’s Polish community held an appreciation party for outgoing Mayor Karen Majewski. Majewski is completing her 16th year as mayor, which was preceded by serving on city council…

City officials welcome Hamtramck’s first ‘pocket’ park

City officials welcome Hamtramck’s first ‘pocket’ park

  By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s newest, and smallest, park was officially welcomed last week. Residents and city and county officials held a dedication for “Salam Peace Park.” Salam is Arabic…

Traffic study offers insight into accidents and the city’s population

Traffic study offers insight into accidents and the city’s population

  By Alan Madlane The stats from SEMCOG are out about Southeast Michigan’s driving habits from last year, and the news is a mixed bag. SEMCOG is the Southeast Michigan…

Council rejects censures

Council rejects censures

  By Charles Sercombe Councilmember Carrie Beth Lasley struck out twice in trying to censure Mayor Karen Majewski and City Manager Kathy Angerer. Lasley said the two deserved the censures…