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Stories written by csercombe

Former mayor reflects on her years of service

Former mayor reflects on her years of service

  By Alan Madlane Karen Majewski served the city of Hamtramck for 18 years, first as a city council president, and then16 years as mayor. As such, she accrued an…

‘Detroit Remains’ takes a dive into area’s archeological sites

‘Detroit Remains’ takes a dive into area’s archeological sites

By Greg Kowalski Think of archeology, and you probably won’t think of hot jazz and ballroom dancing. But in Detroit, a city just over 300 years old, such modern concepts…

Speed humps are a first step in street safety

It took forever, but the city is finally making strides in making our streets safer. The city is doing this by installing more speed humps throughout the city, but mainly…

HPS superintendent will remain on leave, said board president

HPS superintendent will remain on leave, said board president

  By Charles Sercombe The job status of Hamtramck Public School District Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed has been partially explained. In a letter to HPS families and students, Board President Salah…

Election districts redrawn

Election districts redrawn

By Charles Sercombe Hamtramck’s state and congressional election districts have a new look. And for our local representatives, it’s going to mean a major change in their campaign strategies. The…

Judge controversy highlights what’s need: all of us helping out

Regardless what you think of Hamtramck Judge Alexis Krot, her handling of a blight case highlighted something that is needed in the community: Neighbors and volunteers caring about our elderly…

HPS schools to re-open next week despite Covid increase

HPS schools to re-open next week despite Covid increase

  By Charles Sercombe The wait is over for Hamtramck Public School students. Starting this Monday, Jan. 31, HPS students will be returning to their school buildings for actual in-person…

Taking a look into the year ahead: the city’s financial picture

Taking a look into the year ahead: the city’s financial picture

  By Charles Sercombe Now that the year 2021 is behind us, it’s time once again at The Review to dust off our crystal ball and gaze into the coming…

School board offers no explanation over superintendent’s absence

School board offers no explanation over superintendent’s absence

  By Charles Sercombe One of the first things the Hamtramck School Board did to start the new year was to choose who will run the board’s meetings. It’s a…

City’s first female mayor gets a well- deserved honor

Former Mayor Karen Majewski is being paid a fitting tribute for her 18 years of service to the city. Last week, the city council agreed to place an honorary street…