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Stories written by csercombe

During the bitter cold, you can bet on water main breaks

During the bitter cold, you can bet on water main breaks

By Charles Sercombe There’s one guarantee about winter in Hamtramck. The city’s ancient and fragile water lines are going to bust here and there when it gets bitter cold. It’s…

Mayor clarifies comments on city budget

Mayor clarifies comments on city budget

  By Charles Sercombe Last week we reported on an initial budget meeting with the mayor and city council, and the grim financial picture that was presented. We asked Mayor…

Polish Day Parade will no longer call Hamtramck home

Polish Day Parade will no longer call Hamtramck home

By Alan Madlane The Polish Day Parade has marched its last through the streets of Hamtramck. In yet another sign of the city’s changing demographics – although parade planners openly…

An age-old problem once again returns

Hamtramck has a new mayor and a new city council. Although they may be new, they are now staring at an age-old problem in Hamtramck: finances. As we reported last…

Welcome to the city’s new parking meter system

We reported a few weeks ago that the city council directed the city manager to work with its parking meter company to extend the grace period to pay for parking…

Projected marijuana retail taxes expected to be a windfall

Projected marijuana retail taxes expected to be a windfall

  By Alan Madlane Hamtramck is about to get a financial windfall from its marijuana dispensaries. Cities which allow dispensaries to operate within their city limits get monies from the…

City is spilling red ink, financially speaking

City is spilling red ink, financially speaking

  By Charles Sercombe The title for this year’s budget review painted a fairly grim financial picture of the city. It is called: “A tale of one city: The worst…

School district says superintendent is under investigation

School district says superintendent is under investigation

  By Charles Sercombe A clue has emerged as to why Hamtramck Public Schools District Superintendent Jaleelah Ahmed remains on leave. At a recent school board committee meeting, board Vice…

Being the mayor of a city is a humbling experience

If there is one thing we learned from last week’s article about former Mayor Karen Majewski’s reflection on her tenure, it’s this: Be courageous — despite your initial doubts. In…

For Hamtramck teachers, a new contract is about seeking respect

For Hamtramck teachers, a new contract is about seeking respect

  By Charles Sercombe “Dignity” was the word of the day for Hamtramck Public School District teachers on Monday afternoon. About 40 teachers held a short rally outside the district’s…