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Stories written by csercombe

On the basketball court Cougars are kings of the jungle

On the basketball court Cougars are kings of the jungle

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter If you haven’t seen the Koscuiszko Middle School Basketball Team play yet this season, be sure to check them out tonight (Jan. 8) at the…

Firing teachers is not the answer in fixing education

Firing teachers is not the answer in fixing education

Talk about a wolf in sheep’s clothing. In our eyes, Gov. Jennifer Granholm’s signing up with the federal school aid package being called “Race to the Top” is nothing to…

For the year 2010, there’s plenty of development waiting to take place

For the year 2010, there’s plenty of development waiting to take place

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter With every new year comes a slew of new projects. It’s no different in 2010 – here’s a list of 10 things to look for…

What’s out and in for 2010? Read on …

What’s out and in for 2010? Read on …

By Charles Sercombe Ah, the year 2009, it seems so distant now. But there is still some unfinished business with ’09. It’s time to clean out a few of the…

New school program could mean more money

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter Educationally speaking, 2010 will be a “Race to the Top.” On Monday (Jan. 4) Gov. Jennifer Granholm signed five bills that will greatly overhaul the…

Time to dust off that crystal ball and gaze into the year to come

By Charles Sercombe What’s the word for the city in the New Year? Finances. Which is the word of the year for not only city government and schools, but also…

For now, city officials can get along

By Charles Sercombe If only Hamtramck government could forever stay like it was on Sunday afternoon. Nice, agreeable, optimistic, everyone in it for the good of the city, no personal…

Looking back at the year 2009 … It’s a wrap

Looking back at the year 2009 … It’s a wrap

By Ian Perrotta and Charles Sercombe The second half of 2009 was just as jam-packed with news as the first half. Here’s a look back at July through December (the…

City unions’ refusal to take cuts hurts all of us

City unions’ refusal to take cuts hurts all of us

Unbelievable. Yeah, that’s the word. The word, that is, for the city unions’ refusal to make contract concessions to avoid layoffs of city employees. Instead, the cops agreed to write…

Bar fight turns for the worse

By Charles Sercombe A fight inside Shadow bar on Saturday night turned into a 1920s-era shooting. Little information was available at the time The Review went to press, but according…