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Stories written by csercombe

Skipper’s Bar sails into Conant business strip

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter Recently the business district on Conant has received a shot in the arm from an onslaught of new shops. And thanks to Skipper’s Hamtown, it’s…

Koscuizsko Cougars crowned champions of Dearborn League

Koscuizsko Cougars crowned champions of Dearborn League

Congratulations to the Koscuizsko Cougars basketball team, which finished with a 10-1 record and the distinction of being champions of the Dearborn League.…

Even in tough economic times tough decisions are required

Even in tough economic times tough decisions are required

It may be counterintuitive to raise taxes or government fees in times of financial hardship, but a majority of Hamtramck’s City Councilmembers did the right thing recently. The council, except…

Letter from the Publisher…

A Valuable Asset In times of uncertainty, and with cities all facing the current economic downturn, it is especially important for cities, like businesses, to stay competitive, and to shift…

At Holbrook School, students dig into science fair projects

At Holbrook School, students dig into science fair projects

It’s science fair season for the Hamtramck Public Schools, and you know what that means. Yes, plenty of studies involving, cheese, mold, batteries, water and paper airplanes. Over at Holbrook…

Essay winner writes about community unity

Third grader Mark Shalaj appears to have a future in being a writer – and a pretty good one at that. Shalaj is the son of Engjell and Olga Shalaj,…

Sign of the times, landmark buildings take a beating

Sign of the times, landmark buildings take a beating

By Charles Sercombe It’s not been a good season for Hamtramck’s older landmark buildings. Time, the elements and an incredibly bad economy have taken its toll on two well-known buildings.…

A year later, police arrest murder suspect

By Charles Sercombe Some good old-fashioned police work is being credited for the arrest of a suspect connected with the murder of a Bangladesh-American man one year ago. However, investigators…

Financially-speaking, the year 2009 wasn’t bad for Hamtramck’s government

By Charles Sercombe As bad as things are financially for many communities, Hamtramck is doing surprisingly well. That was the report given by the city’s auditor, Carl Johnson, Jr. of…

Age-old debate on parking meters revs up again

By Charles Sercombe What’s one subject that’s guaranteed to start an argument among city officials? Parking. Or, more specifically, to charge for parking on main streets or allow the public…