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Stories written by csercombe

Oh what a day for paczki lovers

Oh what a day for paczki lovers

By Charles Sercombe Imagine if Hamtramck was packed all day long, with long lines out the bakeries and the bars full of happy people listening to bands and the traffic…

Firefighters avoid layoffs with new deal

By Charles Sercombe The last part of the city’s financial survival puzzle has been put into place. Hamtramck’s firefighters’ union has agreed to changes in their contract and also agreed…

Councilmember Gordon says state police need to review contract deal

By Charles Sercombe City Councilmember Cathie Gordon said there’s been an unholy alliance between the city and a Christian non-profit agency. Gordon has called for the state police to step…

Author finds another angle on Hamtramck to write about

By Charles Sercombe How many books can you write about on Hamtramck? For author Greg Kowalski, it appears there is no final chapter on this subject – a subject he…



Here are some photos of Hamtramck’s Paczki Day 2010.…

Koscuizsko Cougars claw their way to the top

Koscuizsko Cougars claw their way to the top

By Ian Perrotta Review Staffwriter This may have been the first year Koscuizsko Middle School played basketball in its new league, but that didn’t stop the Cougars from leaving a…

City Council drops the ball on watching out for taxpayers

City Council drops the ball on watching out for taxpayers

So much for the City Council being watchdogs of the public’s money. On Monday, the City Council unanimously (except for Councilmember Shahab Ahmed, who was absent) voted during a special…

No matter how you say it, paczki is known the world over

No matter how you say it, paczki is known the world over

By Alan Madeleine Review Staffwriter Behold the mighty paczki. They ain’t just doughnuts, people. As most old-guard Hamtramckans know, Fat Tuesday in these parts equals Paczki Day. The day before…

City Council dumps snow plow service for more expensive contractor

City Council dumps snow plow service for more expensive contractor

Charles Sercombe City officials rushed to change their snow plowing service on Monday evening before Tuesday’s expected snowstorm hit town. As it turned out, the rush to fire its current…

Murder suspect may be charged with two other murders

By Charles Sercombe Murder suspect Dione Andre Wade, 24, of Detroit, may have some weird-sinister mojo about him. Wade is accused of the cold-blooded shooting of Rafiqul Islam last year…